• Remodel

    Planning Stage: Addressing the Problem Areas

    Anytime you invest in a remodel it is vital that you address the problem areas and come up with workable solutions. This was where we spent the bulk of our time in the first 6 months prior to demolition. We spent a long time up front developing a plan that addressed these issues and solved our problems.  Okay, so I just need to get this out there before I go any further. I feel conflicted about what I’m about to say. On one hand, this is a perfectly great kitchen, it has a nice long counter, adequate storage and serves my family well. I should be perfectly happy, right?…but then…

  • Kitchen,  Remodel

    The Design Process

    Our Kitchen Plans The design process is easily where we spent the most time…nine months to be exact. It was a long process and what I discovered in that nine months is that Dan and I are extremely indecisive and at the same time very detail oriented. This combination is hilarious. We frequently suffered from information overload. Having too many options can be a good thing for sure, but when you are type-A like Dan and I, our need to evaluate everything can often lead to analysis paralysis. The reality is, we’ve never tackled a project of this magnitude with so many moving parts and there were a lot of…

  • Remodel

    Kitchen Remodel Phase 1

    The image on the left is how the kitchen looked when we first moved in. There were upper cabinets and a microwave that hung directly over the stove. I’m sure in the 80’s when this house was built, this was considered very chic and efficient, however it drove me nuts!  I purposely didn’t put anything in these above cabinets when we unpacked because I knew I wanted them taken down as soon as possible.  Well, finally 1 year and a half later, I finally got those darn cabinets out of my way. Good riddens cabinets… No more cabinet door hanging right in my face when I’m trying to cook, no ducking…